Thursday, November 7, 2013


Smoothies are easy to make, yummy, nutritionally balanced and fun! 

Here's some helpful hints: 

*Make sure all your fruit is frozen!! Frozen solid! Like a glacier... The blender WILL blend it up and it will make the smoothie SO much yummier! Room temp blended anything isn't my favorite...

*Buy frozen berries if they're not in season, but otherwise buy fresh fruit and freeze it yourself! It's generally WAY cheaper and tastes SO much better. Frozen fruit tends to be sour and flavorless and certain fruits, such as peaches are just plain nasty frozen! (Frozen bitter cardboard anyone?!) If you buy FRESH, ripe fruit, slice it up, sprinkle some lemon juice on it, lay it out on a baking tray and pop it into your freezer for an hour or so THEN put it in zippy lock bags and freeze forever! Well, not forever, but for a while at least!

*Add dark leafy greens... I know it sounds weird, but you honestly can't taste them, and they have SO many great vitamins and minerals in them! PLUS, then you don't have to cook them and eat them and even your kiddos will suck it down because it TASTES GOOD!

*Frozen bananas give great texture and creaminess to a smoothie, but stick to only using a half per serving because they are very high on the glycemic index!
I learned THAT one from Dr. Heather Hunt :)

*Try using almond milk or coconut milk in place of yogurt for a yummy, neutrally flavored dairy free option... 

*If you like yogurt in your smoothies, use caution with the fruits you choose. Fruits that are high in acid with "curdle" your yogurt (it won't taste bad and isn't bad for you, but it looks disgusting and leaves a weird feeling in your mouth...) Examples I am sure of (from experience!) are pineapple, fresh mango and citrus fruits...

That's all I have on smoothies! 

What's YOUR favorite smoothie combo/ recipe?

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